The Functional Skills qualifications involve the completion of the following qualifications:
Title: Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3
QAN Number: 603/4266/3
Title: Functional Skills English - Entry Level 3
QAN Number: 603/4288/2
Title: Functional Skills Maths - Level 1
QAN Number: 603/4267/5
Title: Functional Skills English - Level 1
QAN Number: 603/4289/4
Title: Functional Skills Maths - Level 2
QAN Number: 603/4268/7
Title: Functional Skills English - Level 2
QAN Number: 603/4290/0
What you will do on the course
Learners will gain the required knowledge and skills to operate confidently, effectively and independently in education, work and everyday life.
Here are some of the things you will be doing:
– Speaking Listening & Communication
– Reading
– Writing
– Representing Mathematics
– Analysing Mathematics
– Interpreting Mathematics
– Using ICT
– Finding and selecting information using ICT
– Developing, presenting and communicating information using ICT
– Word Processing Software
– Spreadsheet Software
– Presentation Software
How you will be assessed
Students will be internally assessed on the Entry level 3 courses via end of course exams. The Level 1 & 2 courses are all externally assessed again via course exams.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is suited for anyone who is capable of reaching the required standard.
Progression Opportunities
From completing this course, you will be able to advance onto:
– A higher level Functional Skills programme
– GCSE's